
Understand general concepts, response codes, and authentication strategies.

Base URL

The Stacks API is built on REST principles, enforcing HTTPS for all requests to ensure data security, integrity, and privacy. The base URL for all API requests is:

Making requests

To make a request to the Stacks API, you can paste the curl command below in your terminal.

curl -L '' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'


If you are using an api-key, you will need to replace $HIRO_API_KEY with your secret API key.

curl -L '' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \

Response codes

The Stacks API uses standard HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request:

  • 200: Successful request
  • 400: Check that the parameters were correct
  • 401: Missing API key
  • 403: Invalid API key
  • 404: Resource not found
  • 429: Rate limit exceeded
  • 5xx: Server errors

Rate limits

API keyRate limit
No50 requests per minute (RPM) per client IP, for unauthenticated traffic
Yes500 requests per minute (RPM) regardless of origin IP, with an authenticated API key
Rate limits

For more information on rate limiting, you can check out the rate limiting documentation.