Network and API library for working with Stacks blockchain nodes.
The Stacks authentication process enables secure user sign-in for web apps by generating and handling encrypted authentication requests. It involves setting up an app domain, configuring permissions, and creating a UserSession to manage user data.
$npm install @stacks/network
Create a Stacks mainnet, testnet or mocknet network
import { StacksMainnet, StacksTestnet, StacksMocknet } from '@stacks/network';const network = new StacksMainnet();const testnet = new StacksTestnet();const mocknet = new StacksMocknet();
Set a custom node URL
const network = new StacksMainnet({ url: 'https://www.mystacksnode.com/' });
Check if network is mainnet
const isMainnet = network.isMainnet();
Network usage in transaction building
import { makeSTXTokenTransfer } from '@stacks/transactions';const txOptions = {network,recipient: 'SP2BS6HD7TN34V8Z5BNF8Q2AW3K8K2DPV4264CF26',amount: new BigNum(12345),senderKey: 'b244296d5907de9864c0b0d51f98a13c52890be0404e83f273144cd5b9960eed01',};const transaction = await makeSTXTokenTransfer(txOptions);
Use the built-in API key middleware
Some Stacks APIs make use API keys to provide less rate-limited plans.
import { createApiKeyMiddleware, createFetchFn, StacksMainnet } from '@stacks/network';import { broadcastTransaction, getNonce, makeSTXTokenTransfer } from '@stacks/transactions';const myApiMiddleware = createApiKeyMiddleware('example_e8e044a3_41d8b0fe_3dd3988ef302');const myFetchFn = createFetchFn(myApiMiddleware); // middlewares can be used to create a new fetch functionconst myMainnet = new StacksMainnet({ fetchFn: myFetchFn }); // the fetchFn options can be passed to a StacksNetwork to override the default fetch functionconst txOptions = {recipient: 'SP3FGQ8Z7JY9BWYZ5WM53E0M9NK7WHJF0691NZ159',amount: 12345n,senderKey: 'b244296d5907de9864c0b0d51f98a13c52890be0404e83f273144cd5b9960eed01',memo: 'some memo',anchorMode: AnchorMode.Any,network: myMainnet, // make sure to pass in the custom network object};const transaction = await makeSTXTokenTransfer(txOptions); // fee-estimation will use the custom fetchFnconst response = await broadcastTransaction(transaction, myMainnet); // make sure to broadcast via the custom network object// stacks.js functions, which take a StacksNetwork object will use the custom fetchFnconst nonce = await getNonce('SP3FGQ8Z7JY9BWYZ5WM53E0M9NK7WHJF0691NZ159', myMainnet);
Use custom middleware
Middleware can be used to hook into network calls before sending a request or after receiving a response.
import { createFetchFn, RequestContext, ResponseContext, StacksTestnet } from '@stacks/network';import { broadcastTransaction, getNonce, makeSTXTokenTransfer } from '@stacks/transactions';const preMiddleware = (ctx: RequestContext) => {ctx.init.headers = new Headers();ctx.init.headers.set('x-foo', 'bar'); // override headers and set new `x-foo` header};const postMiddleware = (ctx: ResponseContext) => {console.log(await ctx.response.json()); // log response body as json};const fetchFn = createFetchFn({ pre: preMiddleware, post: preMiddleware }); // a middleware can contain `pre`, `post`, or bothconst network = new StacksTestnet({ fetchFn });// stacks.js functions, which take a StacksNetwork object will use the custom fetchFnconst nonce = await getNonce('SP3FGQ8Z7JY9BWYZ5WM53E0M9NK7WHJF0691NZ159', network);
Get various API URLs
const txBroadcastUrl = network.getBroadcastApiUrl();const feeEstimateUrl = network.getTransferFeeEstimateApiUrl();const address = 'SP2BS6HD7TN34V8Z5BNF8Q2AW3K8K2DPV4264CF26';const accountInfoUrl = network.getAccountApiUrl(address);const contractName = 'hello_world';const abiUrl = network.getAbiApiUrl(address, contractName);const functionName = 'hello';const readOnlyFunctionCallUrl = network.getReadOnlyFunctionCallApiUrl(address,contractName,functionName);const nodeInfoUrl = network.getInfoUrl();const blockTimeUrl = network.getBlockTimeInfoUrl();const poxInfoUrl = network.getPoxInfoUrl();